The Office of Wilda Casado

Wilda Casado <>
to Friends of The Office

Hello and welcome!

I'm Wilda—and this is my office.

For the past five years, I've been a designer, art director, and writer, helping brands get creative about connecting with their audience. By day, I'm the Senior Graphic Designer at Clean Simple Eats, and by night (and weekends), I help run my family's bakery, write a weekly newsletter, and design email campaigns for small businesses and startups.

If you’d like to see my past work, you can check it out here. Some of the brands I’ve worked with include Love Wellness, Cocofloss, Bumble and bumble., Broma Bakery, Skate & Sculpt, and Block Set Project.

My newsletter, Daughter’s House, is a space where I (and all the daughters subscribed) reflect on how we live, create, and grow—within and beyond the roles that define us. If you're curious, here are a few of my favorite pieces:

If you're in Central Florida and in the mood for some cake, place an order at Cakehaus. Your sweet tooth is welcome here, I promise <3

For project inquiries or collaborations, just hit reply below or reach out at I look forward to connecting with you!


Check in regularly for updates!
Office Hours Vary